Calapooia Center, CC-114, 541-917-4950,
The LBCC Bookstore carries texts and supplemental materials for courses taken on all campuses. The bookstore also offers art and school supplies, gifts, insignia sportswear, computer software, electronics, general interest books and convenience store merchandise. Bookstore hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Friday. Visit our website for online ordering, book buyback information, store closure dates, extended hours, store events and more. Textbooks and supplemental materials for classes offered at Benton Center and Lebanon Center are also available at their respective locations. Lebanon Center also carries textbooks and supplemental materials for Sweet Home courses.
Campus Public Safety
RCH-119, 541-917-4440, 541-926-6855 (after hours),
Director of Safety & Loss Prevention:
Marcene Olson, 541-917-4940,
The Campus Safety Office is open Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Campus Security Officers can be reached 24 hours a day by calling 541-926-6855, or using a designated Campus Security phone. Dial 411 if calling direct from campus phones. The Office of Safety & Loss Prevention, of which Public Safety is a part, provides emergency planning; monitors LBCC compliance with OSHA, DEQ, and Clery Act requirements; houses LBCC Lost and Found services; maintains LBCC property, casualty, and liability insurance coverage; provides medical and emergency response; maintains control of building access; and other safety-related services as referenced at
Child Care - Periwinkle Child Development Center
LBCC partners with Kidco Head Start to offer infant/ toddler and preschool options to full-time LBCC students. Our program serves children from birth to 30 months, and 36 months to  5 years old. Families must meet federal Head Start guidelines. The center operates five days a week; 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM for our infant/toddler children and 8:45 AM – 3:05 PM for our 3, 4 and 5-year olds. Applications are available at the Periwinkle Child Development Center or by phone by calling Kidco Head Start at 541-451-1581.
Child Care – Family Connections
Luckiamute Center 132; 541-917-4899, 1-800-845-1363;
If you need child care, are having difficulty with your current child care arrangement, or want to ask questions of a child care specialist, call or stop by Family Connections, Luckiamute Center. Family Connections staff can also help with referrals to parent education, recreation, or other family support programs in the community.
Computer Labs
All full- or part-time LBCC students and staff are eligible to use the student computer labs for course-related learning and research. Computer labs are available on the LBCC Albany campus and the centers in Corvallis, Lebanon and Sweet Home. The labs are open various times. For lab locations, hours, hardware and a list of software available, check online or call the lab:
- Albany Campus, Willamette Hall, Library – 541-917-4638
- Corvallis- Benton Center, BC-222, Learning & Career Center – 541-757-8944, ext. 5101
- Lebanon Center – 541-259-5817
- Sweet Home Center – 541-367-6901
The Learning Center—Albany Campus
Willamette Hall 200, 541-917-4684
The Learning Center provides students with academic assistance in an informal study area. Students will find a supportive environment designed to help them succeed – tables and chairs, good lighting, whiteboards, group study rooms, and various tools and equipment – and a welcoming and professional staff. Students may eat or drink in the study areas.
Services include:
Math Assistance: The drop in Math Desk provides a supportive place where students can get help with all LBCC mathematics courses. Calculators and math videos for some courses are available to checkout in the Library. Instructional assistants are always available to answer questions about mathematics or calculators. The Library has math textbooks, calculators as well as math videos for some courses available to checkout.
Writing Assistance: Two services: In a warm and welcoming environment, the Writing Center staff assists students with writing assignments from any class and at any stage of the writing process. Students can drop in, make a 30-minute appointment, or submit their work online through the Online Writing Lab (OWL) available through the Learning Center’s website. Written responses are provided in 24-48 hours during normal operating hours. The College Skills Zone emphasizes grammar, punctuation and sentence structure.
Computer Access: The Learning Center computer labs are primarily used for instruction, so availability is limited. Students may use drop in computers in the open study area. Wireless Internet access is provided throughout the facility.
College Skills Zone: Supports students taking developmental courses to discover active learning strategies that will improve their success in college writing fundamentals and develop effective college reading strategies. Courses include ALS 100, ALS 115, WR 090, and WR 095.
Student Work Area: A coin-operated copy machine and other office supplies are available.
Testing Center: Instructors for below 100 level college preparatory mathematics, writing, or reading/learning strategy courses may make arrangements for their students to take tests in a quiet testing environment. A student Photo ID is required. Cell phones and smart electronic devices are prohibited. Students must begin their tests no later than one hour before closing. Lockers are provided.
Tutoring: Students are eligible for free individual tutoring appointments at the Tutoring Center, and may schedule tutoring sessions online using the TutorTrac program. In addition, the Math Angle offers drop-in math tutoring with a learning strategy emphasis for students enrolled in Math 015 through Math 098. Weekly Tutor Assisted Study Support (TASS) sessions to review course concepts are offered when there is sufficient student interest. Students may find more information about tutoring, Math Angle and TASS by visiting the Tutoring Website:
Willamette Hall •
Circulation: 541-917-4638
Reference: 541-917-4645
Student Help Desk: 541-917-4630
Department Chair: 541-917-4641
The LBCC Library provides resources and services for the instructional, research, and general information needs of students, faculty, staff, and local residents. The Library provides comfortable open space for collaborative work, including study rooms and a beautiful reading room. The Library provides computer workstations and laptops for checkout. The library is now open for some weekend hours.
Located in Willamette Hall on the main Albany campus, the Library collection integrates a large collection of books, reserve textbooks, and multimedia items. Materials not held in the Library’s collection may be obtained for LBCC students, faculty, and staff at no charge through interlibrary loan.  Our many databases help you locate scholarly journal articles, electronic books, videos, and other sources. Off campus access to these databases is available to LBCC students, faculty, and staff. Librarians are available to provide research help at the reference desk or during library workshops.
The Student Help Desk provides assistance with student computing and technical needs, including e-learning (Moodle), student email accounts, wi-fi access, printing, and common software.
Lost and Found
See Campus Safety
RCH-119, 541-917-4440
Parking for students, staff and visitors is free and available on a firstcome, first-served basis. Some parking areas are designated for specific use. Unauthorized overnight parking is prohibited. Parking permits are available at no charge from the Campus Security Office; although permits are not required, they are highly recommended.
A pamphlet outlining parking and traffic rules is available on the Campus Public Safety website. Improperly parked vehicles are subject to a fine, and vehicles parked for an extended period of time are subject to towing at the owner’s expense.
Temporary disabled parking permits can be obtained from the Campus Security Office. However, it is recommended that individuals obtain an Oregon Department of Motor Vehicle Disabled Permit, if applicable.
Student Life and Leadership
Student Union, 541-917-4457
Becoming involved with clubs and co-curricular programs can enhance your college experience. LBCC has many active clubs, and students are free and encouraged to form their own clubs to reflect their own interests. Examples of clubs and co-curricular programs include Campus Recreation, Performing Arts, Vocal Music, Remote Operated Vehicle Team, Equestrian Team, Gay-Straight Alliance, Active Minds Club, Veteran’s Club, Ultimate Frisbee Club, Students for Life Club, and Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. Student activities, organizations and campus recreation are open to all students.
Student Leadership Council: Student Government and Programming
The Student Leadership Council gives you the opportunity to serve on college committees, participate in student government and coordinate student activities. Student leaders hold positions on the SLC through an appointment process. An admitted student who meets eligibility requirements is eligible to hold a position. SLC positions range from event planning to student advocacy and governing. Students who serve on SLC are eligible to receive tuition grants. Contact Student Life and Leadership at 541-917-4457.
Department of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
F-220, 541-917-4461,
EDI focuses on creating a campus that embraces equity and the uniqueness of every individual while promoting the free and civil expression of ideas, perspectives and cultures. The Diversity Achievement Center serves as a welcoming space where all can come to explore and engage acceptance and honor difference, diversity and inclusion in all of its complexities.
LBCC students publish a newspaper, The Commuter, which has won awards for excellence. If you are interested in participating, contact the English Department or The Commuter Office on the second floor of the Student Union building.
Benton Center
Administrative Office, 541-757-8944, ext. 5105
Regional Director for Benton County
Jeff Davis, 541-757-8944, ext. 5104,
The Benton Center brings LBCC’s quality education directly to Benton County residents. Conveniently located in the heart of Corvallis, the Benton Center offers a wide range of programs that include:
• Lower division transfer classes for both day and evening students
• Professional technical training
• Adult basic skills and GED preparation
• Business technology and accounting skills
• Basic training in math, writing and computer skills
• Business development and contract training
• Learning and Career Center
• A pre-school cooperative and parenting classes
• Noncredit lifelong learning classes for all Benton County residents through Community Education in art, fitness, foreign languages,computer training and more
The Benton Center offers many of the credit courses necessary for transfer to OSU and other four-year colleges. LBCC and OSU students can take classes at either institution (or both) through our Degree Partnership program. The transfer courses offered at the center are the same comprehensive courses offered at other LBCC sites. Detailed course descriptions can be found in this catalog. A current schedule of Benton Center classes can be found on the college Web site and in the printed schedule of classes.
The Benton Center supports its students with services including advising, placement testing, registration, instructional assistance in mathematics and writing and a bookstore. Career counseling and college advising are available free of charge at the center. Call 541-757-8944, ext. 5101 to set up an appointment.
The Benton Center is located at 757 Polk Street, Corvallis, 97330.
Linn Centers
Regional Director for Linn County:
Gary Price, 541-259-5808,
The Lebanon and Sweet Home Centers provide direct access to educational programs to East Linn County residents. The centers provide comfortable, welcoming environments for first-time students and those returning to college. Among the programs offered are:
- Lower division transfer classes for both day and evening students
- Adult basic skills and GED preparation
- Business technology and accounting skills
- Basic training in math, writing and computer skills
- Health occupations
- Professional technical training
- Small business development
- Parenting classes
- Noncredit lifelong learning classes for all Linn County residents through Community Education in art, fitness, foreign languages,computer training and more
The transfer courses offered at the centers are the same comprehensive courses offered at other LBCC sites. Detailed course descriptions can be found in this catalog. A current schedule of Lebanon and Sweet Home Center classes and hours of operations can be found on the college Web site and in the current printed schedule of classes.
The Lebanon and Sweet Home Centers support students with services including advising, registration and tuition payments, financial aid information, placement testing, labs, tutoring, an academic support/learning center and a bookstore.
The Lebanon Center is located at 44 Industrial Way, Lebanon, Oregon 97355, 541-259-5801 and the Sweet Home Center is located at 1661 Long Street, Sweet Home, Oregon, 541-367-6901.
Resources for Families
These departments/programs offer information and assistance to parents interested in helping their children develop into healthy adults. Classes for parents, child care providers and educators are offered each term.
Other Learning Opportunities