Student Assessment Office/Placement Testing
RCH-111, 541-917-4781,
Before registering, all newly admitted full-time students are required to take the Computerized Placement Test (CPT) to determine appropriate class placement or request to have the exam waived based on prior completion of appropriate college courses. Part-time students who are registering for math or writing classes also must take the CPT or request to have it waived. High school students who earned a score of a 3 or 4 on their Smarter Balanced exams have the opportunity to use those scores for placement. Appointments are made online for the CPT at or through the New Student Center entry process. Contact the Center for Accessibility Resources to arrange test accommodations. The Student Assessment Office also offers a variety of other tests for students and community members. They include:
- General Education Development (GED®) test for the certificate of high school equivalency
- College Level Exam Program (CLEP) test for college credit by examination
- Course challenges that enable students to earn college credit by examination without completing regular credit coursework
- Proctored exams
- LBCC course make-up tests
- Authorized Pearson VUE Test Center