HV3. 129 Heavy Equipment/Diesel Engines
This section of our program pertains to the operating principles, maintenance, repair and overhaul of various types and sizes of diesel engines. Diesel engines, their component parts, and related accessories are studied in depth. In conjunction with this is the study of manufacturer's specifications as they pertain to correct engine operation, performance and emissions.
Prerequisite: Placement into ALS 100 Applied Learning Strategies or higher, and placement into WR 095 College Writing Fundamentals or higher, and placement into MTH 060 Introduction to Algebra or higher.
Offered Winter only
Career Technical Education (CTE) Course
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Demonstrate safe use of tools in engine repair. Troubleshoot Diesel and high compression gas engines. Repair Diesel and high compression gas engines. Maintain Diesel and high compression gas engines.