Students who successfully complete an Associate of Science degree with an emphasis in Health Management and Policy will be able to:
General Education Requirements: 43
See the graduation requirements for the Associate of Science degree.
Program Requirements: 47
The following courses may be taken in addition to (or as substitutes for) program requirements at Oregon State. Students should consult with an advisor before substituting courses. For a more detailed description of the Health degrees, click here.
First Year
Fall Term
MTH 111 | College Algebra | 5 |
PE 131 | Intro To Health And Physical Education | 3 |
PE 231 | Lifetime Health & Fitness | 3 |
WR 121 | English Composition | 3 |
| Elective | 1 |
PE 231 and WR 121 satisfy general education requirements.
MTH 111 Four credits apply toward general education requirements; one credit applies toward program.
Recommend PE 180/185/190 for 1 credit elective.
Winter Term
CS 120 | Digital Literacy | 3 |
HE 100 | Intro to Public Health | 4 |
WR 122 | English Composition: Argumentation | 3 |
| Literature & the Arts | 3 |
| Elective | 1 |
WR 122 satisfies a general education requirement.
Recommend PE 180/185/190 for 1 credit elective.
Spring Term
CH 112 Four credits apply toward general education requirements; one credit applies toward program.
COMM 111, COMM 112 and COMM 218 satisfy general education requirements.
Second Year
Fall Term
BA 215 | Survey of Accounting | 4 |
EC 201 | Introduction to Microeconomics | 4 |
HE 220 | Intro: Epidemiology/Health Data Analysis | 3 |
HE 250O | Intro to Health Care Administration | 3 |
EC 201 Three credits apply toward general education requirements; one credit applies toward program.
Winter Term
EC 202 | Introduction to Macroeconomics | 4 |
HE 225 | Social & Individual Health Determinants | 4 |
| Electives | 3 |
| Biological Sciences | 4 |
Recommend BI 101, BI 102 or BI 103 for Biological Sciences requirement.
Spring Term
BI 234 | Microbiology | 4 |
| Cultural Diversity | 3 |
| Difference Power & Discrimination | 3 |
| Western Culture | 3 |
| Electives | 4 |
BI 234 satisfies a general education requirement.
Approved electives
The following courses can count towards the AS degree in Health Promotion and Education or Health Management and Policy at LBCC. These will transfer as lower division transfer credits (electives) but may not fulfill specific program requirements at OSU.
CH 112 | Chem for Health Occupations | 5 |
CH 150 | Preparatory Chemistry | 3 |
HE 125 | Occupational Safety and Health | 3 |
HE 151 | Drugs in Society | 3 |
HE 204 | Exercise & Weight Management | 3 |
HE 207 | Stress Management | 3 |
HE 252 | First Aid | 3 |
HE 253 | Aids and Sexually Transmitted Diseases | 3 |
HE 280 | CWE Health | 1 TO 12 |
NUTR 225 | General Human Nutrition | 3 |
PE 131 | Intro To Health And Physical Education | 3 |
PE 180 | PE Activity Course | 1 |
| or | |
PE 185 | PE Activity Course | 1 |
| or | |
PE 190 | PE Activity Course | 1 |
PE 212 | Sociocultural Dimensions Of Physical Activity | 3 |
Students can take 3 or more credits of HE 280 Cooperative Work Experience (CWE).