DA5. 489 Expanded Duties II
A continuation of DA 5.488. This course will complete the remaining expanded function duties that are approved by the Oregon Dental Practice Act. An in-depth study with major emphasis on student practical application and fabrication of temporary crowns, cement removal techniques, placement of temporary soft denture relines, pit and fissure sealants, and amalgam polishing. Use of correct hand and motion techniques, selection of armamentarium, recognition of polishable amalgam restorations, and safety precautions for patient comfort are emphasized. Required: Successful completion of DA 5.488 Expanded Duties I.
Offered Spring only
Career Technical Education (CTE) Course
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Apply and prepare temporary crowns. Demonstrate the use of fulcrums using proper hand strokes for cement removal. Fabricate a soft denture reline and tissue conditioner. Apply Pit and Fissure Sealants. Demonstrate the placement of Rubber Dam Material. Demonstrate amalgam polishing techniques while using hand piece instruments.