WD4. 269 Math & Measurement For Welders
Includes operations with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, algebraic expressions, and an introduction to practical geometry and trigonometry. Emphasis is on application, with realistic examples. Explores the use of common measuring tools employed in the industrial shop and trades and examines the types of computation and problem-solving methods utilized in industrial settings.
Offered Fall only
Career Technical Education (CTE) Course
General Education Requirements
AAS Math/Computation,
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Use mathematical principles and concepts (arithmetic, geometry, algebra, and trigonometry) as applicable to the Welding Trades. Demonstrate understanding of the meaning of units and how to convert them to other units. Use tape measure and other measuring tools found in industrial shops. Employ basic reading and writing skills to communicate math and measurement values. Demonstrate understanding of the concepts of length, area, and volume. calculate stair, vertical picket, and ladder rung spacing accurately.