Linn Centers

Director of Lebanon and Sweet Home Centers:

Linda Carroll, 541-917-4263,

The Lebanon and Sweet Home Centers provide direct access to educational programs to East Linn County residents. The centers provide comfortable, welcoming environments for first-time students and those returning to college. Among the programs offered are:

  • Lower division transfer classes for both day and evening students
  • Adult basic skills and GED preparation
  • Business technology and accounting skills
  • Basic training in math, writing and computer skills
  • Health occupations
  • Professional technical training
  • Small business development
  • Parenting classes
  • Noncredit lifelong learning classes for all Linn County residents through Community Education in art, fitness, foreign languages, computer training, and more

The transfer courses offered at the centers are the same comprehensive courses offered at other LBCC sites. Detailed course descriptions can be found in this catalog. A current schedule of Lebanon and Sweet Home Center classes and hours of operations can be found on the college Web site and in the current printed schedule of classes.

The Lebanon and Sweet Home Centers support students with services including advising, registration and tuition payments, financial aid information, placement testing, computer labs, tutoring, an academic support/learning center and a bookstore.

The Lebanon Center is located at 44 Industrial Way, Lebanon, Oregon 97355, 541-259-5801 and the Sweet Home Center is located at 1661 Long Street, Sweet Home, Oregon, 541-367-6901.