Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct

The college’s Board of Education has established policy relating to student rights, freedoms, responsibilities and due process. This policy outlines the rules for student conduct and describes the procedures for due process and for filing a complaint. See policy on the LBCC Students' Rights Responsibilities and Conduct web page. All students should read and know this policy. It sets out expectations for the LBCC Community. The form to report a concern or complaint is available at Linn-Benton Community College Incident Report Form.

Students in the LBCC/OSU Degree Partnership Program are held accountable to conduct standards at both institutions. LBCC and OSU may each intervene in cases of misconduct, particularly in issues involving health and safety. Students are given opportunity for due process; those found in violation of conduct codes may receive sanctions from each institution. Linn-Benton Community College and Oregon State University reserve the option to decide that only one institution will process a case of misconduct.