EC 220 Contemporary U.S. Economic Issues: Discrimination

Focuses on discrimination in the U.S. and its impact within our market economy. Primary focus is inequities for women and minorities in the labor market.




Offered Winter and Spring


Lower Division Transfer (LDT) Course

General Education Requirements

Cultural Literacy AAOT/AAS, AAOT Social Sciences, AAS Human Relations, AGS Social Science, AS Difference, Power & Discrim,


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Correctly apply terminology used daily by economists in discussing contemporary issues. Correctly employ basic economic principles to explain and interpret economic reality and future anticipated economic events. Take a view of a specific current economic problem and/or major policy issue and defend it both orally and in writing. Examine the role of economics in the decision-making process of our sociopolitical environment. Explain how difference is socially constructed. Using historical and contemporary examples, describe how perceived differences, combined with unequal distribution of power across economic, social, and political institutions, result in discrimination. Analyze ways in which the interactions of social categories, such as race, ethnicity, social class, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, and age, are related to difference, power, and discrimination in the United States.