The LBCC Engineering program provides an Associate of Science degree with an emphasis in engineering. The program provides a balanced pre-engineering curriculum to prepare students for transfer to a bachelor’s degree program. The curriculum for this degree features a broad base of pre-engineering courses, a solid foundation in mathematics and the physical sciences and core requirements in general education.
The LBCC Engineering degree is a generic degree that fits many different engineering majors. Engineering students should take the basic courses listed below, and then choose the specific courses from the list of electives that are required by their engineering major. Students should refer to the engineering advising guides for the specific course requirements of each engineering major.
The Associate of Science degree with an emphasis in Engineering is a lower-division program that transfers directly to Oregon State University. Students completing the degree requirements will be prepared to enroll in upper-division coursework.
Students seeking to transfer to an institution other than OSU may be best served by pursuing an AA(OT) while taking specific engineering, physical science, mathematics and biology courses that will transfer to the student’s selected college or university. The AA(OT) is a general transfer degree and does not include program requirements. It is important that you identify the four-year school you plan to attend. You should review the requirements of the program you plan to study at that institution and take those classes at LBCC. You may want to work with two advisors; one at LBCC and a second at the institution you hope to attend to make sure you are taking the courses that will meet program requirements.
Many students start at terms other than fall term and take night classes as well as day classes. Some students attend part time.
Program Requirements
Students entering the program with solid high school backgrounds in physics, chemistry and pre-calculus can expect to complete the program in two years. Students who need to complete any pre-calculus classes after their arrival on campus should expect to spend more than two years in the program. Many of the courses listed as fall term freshman courses have prerequisites. Entering students who are deficient in mathematics, chemistry, writing or reading commonly spend three years at LBCC before transferring to a four-year institution.
Students should be prepared to purchase a scientific-type electronic calculator.