Credit for Military Service and Education

Military Transcripts for Army, Navy, Marine, and Coast Guard can be requested through the JST System. The Joint Services Transcript (JST) site allows Veterans to access their military transcripts and have them electronically sent to the school of their choice. 

JST Transcripts can be requested at:

Air Force transcripts can be requested through the Air University:

Veterans that submitted either their military transcripts or DD-214 prior to July 2018 will be awarded three credits for the PE 231 Lifetime Health and Fitness degree requirement.

Veterans that submit their military transcripts or DD-214 after July 2018 will be awarded three PE 185 Activity credits. This is to better align transfer credits with OSU.

Military transcripts or DD-214 copies can be submitted to either the  LBCC Veterans Office or the Transcript Office located in Admissions/Registration.