APR 110 Essential Workplace Skills for Success

Provides an opportunity to expand cross-cultural communication skills and knowledge and to put these skills into practice in diverse working environments of the 21st century. Covers essential workplace skills that are valued by employers such as teamwork, safety culture, and the willingness to learn new skills on the job.




Career Technical Education (CTE) Course

General Education Requirements

AAS Human Relations


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Understand why effective, cross-cultural team communication skills are critical at the worksite. Comprehend how effective cross communication skills establish trust and improve team productivity. Utilize communication skills within diverse team members from diverse cultural backgrounds. Develop an understanding of inclusive organizational worksite culture which respects and values diverse work team membership. Develop useful teamwork and leadership skills, principles, and practices applicable to an industrial workplace. Comprehend workplace expectations and policies regarding safety culture, teamwork, and willingness to learn.