Financial Aid and Veterans

Financial Aid and Veterans Office

Takena Hall 117, 541-917-4850

Fax: 541-917-4864

Financial Aid

The Financial Aid and Veterans Office at Linn-Benton Community College (LBCC) offers all students the opportunity to obtain a quality education. The Veterans Office is staffed by a Veterans Benefits Specialist who is available to assist all Veterans with their questions about their benefits.

All students are encouraged to stop by to learn how the office can assist them with their educational endeavors at LBCC.

Student Eligibility Requirements

  • admitted to LBCC;
  • enrolled in an aid eligible program (degree and certificate) at least one year in length (some exceptions apply);
  • earned a high school diploma, GED or home schooled;
  • not attending an elementary or secondary school;
  • United States citizen or an eligible noncitizen for FAFSA applicants;
  • not in default status in any federal loan programs;
  • no repayment of refund towards any federal grant program.

The Federal Direct and PLUS Loan programs require a minimum enrollment of six credit hours (half-time enrollment). Federal Grant programs mandate that students be admitted and working towards the completion of a degree or certificate. Oregon Opportunity Grant mandates that the student must be a resident of Oregon for a year prior to the start of school, and be enrolled at least half time (six credit hours).

The Oregon Promise State Grant covers some or all tuition at any Oregon Community College for recent high school graduates and GED recipients. To apply, go to and follow the instructions. Note the application deadlines.

Program Eligibility Requirements

A student must be enrolled as a regular student in an eligible program to receive Federal Student Aid (FSA) funds. Eligible programs need to be at least one year in length (some exceptions apply) and must lead to the completion of a degree or certificate. For a list of eligible programs, refer to the Financial Aid Programs and Sources table.

Accelerated Certificate Training Programs at LBCC

LBCC offers one short-term training program that is approved by the U.S. Department of Education, Phlebotomy. Students may be eligible to participate in the Pell Grant, Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG), and Direct Loan programs. Annual grant and loan limits are prorated based on the length of the programs. The accelerated certificate training programs are not eligible for the Oregon Opportunity Grant, Oregon Promise Grant, or Federal Work-Study.

Application Procedures

All students who receive federal and state aid at LBCC must be admitted to the college. (Refer to the How to Get Started - Admission section of the catalog for information about seeking degrees or certificates).

The first step in applying for federal and state aid at LBCC is to complete the Free Application for Federal Aid (FAFSA). Undocumented students including students with DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) status may apply with the Oregon Student Aid Application. The FAFSA/ORSSA may be available as early as October 1 of each year. You may apply for aid at any time throughout the year; however, financial aid funds are limited and may not be available for late submissions. LBCC uses the FAFSA to determine the type and amount of aid a student may receive. The use of this federally approved aid application assures every applicant fair and equitable treatment.

Students are strongly encouraged to visit LBCC's financial aid website for our Priority Deadline Dates. Read and follow the financial aid steps towards completion of your application for federal and state aid. Completing the FAFSA/ORSSA is just the first step in obtaining an award from LBCC. To avoid any delay in obtaining an award offer, stay in contact with the Financial Aid Office and respond to all communications for additional information from LBCC Financial Aid.

Once LBCC receives your FAFSA/ORSSA you will be notified by the financial aid office of any other outstanding requirements. Examples of requirements may be IRS tax return transcripts, copies of all W-2's for the year, or proof of identity. You will be notified via your LBCC email of any outstanding document requirements. If you have not been assigned your LBCC email (not admitted), we will correspond with you via the email you provided on the FAFSA. You may track your application progress through your WebRunner student account.

Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP)

To receive financial aid, you must fulfill the standards of satisfactory academic progress. Additionally, if you are on academic or disciplinary suspension, you will not be eligible for future aid until your suspension has been removed. A copy of the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress policy is available at the Financial Aid Office and online at Financial Aid.

Financial Aid Disbursement Policy

Financial aid is intended to pay for educational charges at the institution. If, after paying tuition and fees, aid exceeds the amount of the charges, these funds are direct deposited to a student’s bank account (or sent via paper check, if the student has not signed up for direct deposit) after the add/drop period which occurs the second week of the term

Note: If your financial aid was based on full-time attendance and you elect to register for fewer credit hours, your financial aid will be adjusted automatically to reflect the reduction in course load. Check your WebRunner account on a regular basis.

Students admitted into the LBCC Degree Partnership Program may have their credit hours taken at both schools combined to determine their eligibility for federal, state and institutional financial aid. LBCC has partnerships with Oregon State University (OSU), Western Oregon University (WOU) and Oregon Tech (OIT). Financial aid is available for qualified students who are dually admitted. For further information about the DPP program, contact the Admissions office at OSU, 541-737-4411, DPP at WOU, 503-838-8732, Admissions at OIT, 541-885-1150, LBCC Admissions at 541-917-4811 or visit University Partnerships.

Withdrawal Information

The U.S. Department of Education regulations mandate that federal financial aid recipients "earn" their aid by attending and participating in class. Recipients cannot earn all of their aid funds unless they maintain attendance and participate in class for 60 percent or more each term.  

Students, who withdraw from all of their courses after receiving federal funds or stop attending prior to the 60 percent, may be required to repay some or all of the aid disbursed to them.

Note: If financial aid paid tuition/fees, and if a student is granted a 100% refund of tuition, the refund will be made to the account that paid the tuition/fees.


Financial Aid Programs and Sources


Eligibility Requirements

      Amounts Available

      Special Information

Federal Pell Grants
  • Be an undergraduate student at a 2- or 4-year public or private college that participates in the federal Title IV programs.
  • Admitted, degree-seeking students enrolled for one or more credits may be eligible.
  • Amounts are based on financial need as defined by the FAFSA.
  • Awards are based on the Student Aid Index (formally Expected Family Contribution)
  • Upon completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) The Department of Education will provide the student with a FAFSA Submission Summary indicating their eligibility.
Oregon Opportunity Grants
  • Complete and submit the FAFSA/ORSAA.
  • Be an Oregon resident.
  • Be an undergraduate student at a 2- or 4-year public or private college.
  • Be enrolled at least half time (six or more credits per term) in a certificate- or degree-granting program Fall Term.
  • Meet the filing deadline date published by the Oregon Office of Student Access and Completion.
  • Oregon Opportunity Grants (OOG) are transferable to other Oregon institutions and are renewable for a maximum of 12 quarters.
  • Amounts are awarded by Oregon Office of Student Access and Completion.
  • OOG is not offered in summer terms.
Oregon Promise Grants
  • Complete an Oregon Promise Grant Application by the appropriate deadline.
  • Be a recent Oregon high school graduate or GED recipient.
  • Document a 2.0 Cumulative unweighted high school GPA or higher; or a GED score of 145 or higher on all tests.
  • Enroll at least half-time (6 or more credits) at an Oregon community college within 6 months of high school graduation or GED completion.
  • Be an Oregon resident for at least 12 months prior to enrolling in community college.
  • Have filed a FAFSA/ORSAA or ORSAA application and listed at least one Oregon community college.
  • Be enrolled at least half time (6 or more credits per term) in a certificate- or degree-granting program Fall Term.
  • Meet the filing deadline date published by the Oregon Office of Student Access and Completion.
    • Awards range from $2058 to $4248 per year (in 2023-24) for full-time students.
    • Your Oregon Promise award amount depends on your remaining financial need after you receive other state and federal grants.
  • Oregon Promise Grants are awarded by Oregon Office of Student Access and Completion.
  • Oregon Promise Grants for the 2024-2025 Academic Year will be determined in Spring 24.
  • Oregon Promise Grants are not offered in summer term.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG)
  • Be an undergraduate student at a 2- or 4-year public or private college that participates in the federal Title IV programs.
  • Be enrolled at least half time (6 or more credits per term) in a certificate- or degree-granting program.
  • Minimum and Maximum SEOG amounts are determined each year (check with the financial aid office)
  • Eligibility for SEOG is contingent upon students being eligible for Federal Pell Grant.  SEOG is awarded to students with the highest need (beginning with a minimum of 0 Student Aid Index).
Federal Work Study Program
  • Undergraduate students and students who have bachelor’s degrees are eligible to participate.
  • Be enrolled at least half time (six or more credits per term) in a certificate- or degree-granting program.
  • Students are paid current minimum wage for work performed. Higher wages are paid to returning student workers and for jobs requiring certain skills.
  • Employment during the school term may not exceed 20 hours per week.
  • When possible, the student is placed in a job compatible with his or her career goal.

Federal Direct student loans are available, however, they are required to be repaid. LBCC encourages responsible borrowing.  Do not borrow more than you can afford to repay. You are strongly encouraged to borrow only what you need for your educational expenses. All Federal Direct Loans require a minimum enrollment of six (6) credits or more.

Subsidized Loan: These loans are for students with demonstrated need, as determined by federal regulations. No interest is charged while a student is in school at least half-time (6 credits), during the grace period, and during deferment periods.

Unsubsidized  Loan: These loans are not based on financial need; interest is charged during all periods, even during the time a student is in school and during grace and deferment periods.

 Federal Direct Loan Academic Year Limit
 Dependent Student
 Independent Student
Credits Completed
Maximum Subsidized Loan
Additional Unsubsidized Loan
Maximum Total Loan
Maximum Subsidized Loan
Additional Unsubsidized Loan Maximum Total Loan
 0-44  $3,500 $2,000
 $5,500  $3,500  $6,000  $9,500
 45+  $4,500 $2,000  $6,500  $4,500  $6,000  $10,500

Federal Direct Student Loans
* Information subject to change.
  • Eligibility is determined by the FAFSA.
  • Be enrolled at least half time (six or more credits per term) in a certificate- or degree-granting program.
  • See table above.
  • A Master Promissory Note is required to be signed by the student prior to borrowing for all Direct Loan Programs.
  • A loan origination fee is charged. This rate is set by federal legislation and will change each October 1. The loan fee for a Direct Subsidized Loan and Direct Unsubsidized loan disbursed on or after October 1, 2020 and before October 1, 2024 is 1.057%.
  • The interest rate on a Federal Direct Subsidized Loan disbursed on or after July 1, 2023 and before July 1, 2024 is 5.50% which changes annually on July 1. Note: The interest rates for federal student loans are determined by federal law.
  • The interest rate on a Federal District Unsubsidized Loan disbursed on or after July 1, 2023 and before July 1, 2024 is 7.05% which changes anually on July 1. Note: The interest rates for federal student loans are determined by federal law.
  • Loan repayment begins  six (6) months after graduation, dropping below half-time(6 credits), or withdrawing from an academic program. The Department of Education grants one (1) grace period.  Once the six (6) month grace period ends, repayment begins.
Federal Plus Loans
  • These loans are available to parents of dependent undergraduate students regardless of need.
  • PLUS loans require a credit check for the borrower.  PLUS loan borrowers cannot have an adverse credit history.
  • A FAFSA must be filed.
  • The student must be enrolled at least half time (six or more credits per term) in a certificate- or degree-granting program.
  • Parents may borrow up to the Cost of Attendance (minus all other financial aid assistance the student has been awarded).
  • There is no longer an aggregate maximum under this program.
  • Your FAFSA application must be completed and processed before eligibility for the PLUS Loan can be determined.
  • Federal PLUS loans may be used to substitute for the Student Aid Index.
  • If the borrower of a PLUS loan is determined to have an adverse credit history, they may obtain an endorser who does not have an adverse credit history. Note: An endorser is someone who agrees to repay the Direct PLUS Loan if the borrower fails to repay the loan.
  • PLUS loan Interest is fixed at 8.05% for loans disbursed on or after July 1, 2023 and before July 1, 2024. Note: The interest rates for federal student loans are determined by federal law.
  • There is no federal interest subsidy on PLUS Loans.
  • A loan origination fee is charged which changes annually on October 1. The Loan Fee for a Direct Plus loan disbursed on or after October 1, 2020 and before October 1, 2024 is 4.228%
  • There is no grace period for PLUS Loans.  The repayment period begins 60 days after the school makes the last disbursement of the loan.  Special circumstances apply when the parent is also a student.
  • Determined by donor

  • Students are strongly encouraged to apply for scholarships.

Warning! If you receive federal and/or state aid based on false information, you will be required to repay all of the aid you received.  If you purposely give false or misleading information on any documents used to determine your financial aid eligibility, you may be fined, sent to prison, or both.