HV3. 130 Heavy Equipment/Diesel Tune-Up
Capstone class that introduces diesel tune-up and techniques for optimum engine performance including diagnostic troubleshooting, engine break-in procedure through use of the dynamometer. The student will use all of the critical thinking skills they have learned in the past classes to solve real world problems on mechanical and computer managed engines and trucks.ξ This class also includes the ITS diesel club.ξ
Prerequisite: Placement into
ALS 100 Applied Learning Strategies or higher, and placement into
WR 095 College Writing Fundamentals or higher, and placement into
MTH 060 Introduction to Algebra or higher.
Offered Spring only
Career Technical Education (CTE) Course
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Do static adjustment to Valves. Unit injectors both mechanical and electronic, and engine retarders. Use manufacturer software to troubleshoot Cat, Cummins and Detroit Diesel electronic engines. Adjust and install all types of fuel injected pumps both electronic and mechanical. Have exposure to the numerous new electronic fuel management systems coming on the market. Troubleshoot electronic and mechanical problems on diesel engines under load.