HV3. 303 Mobile Air Conditioning & Comfort System
Principles of mobile heating and air conditioning systems with an emphasis on design, function, adjustment, service and testing of components.
Prerequisite: Placement into
ALS 100 Applied Learning Strategies or higher, and placement into
WR 095 College Writing Fundamentals or higher, and placement into
MTH 060 Introduction to Algebra or higher, and
HV3. 297 Electrical and Electronic Systems with a grade of C or better.
Offered Spring only
Career Technical Education (CTE) Course
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Practice safety precautions, to protect yourself, vehicles and the environment. Practice a systematic diagnostic and repair strategy to maintain the heating and air conditioning systems of modern automobiles and light trucks. Certify with an EPA approved organization for refrigerant handling of CFC 12 and HFC 134a in motor vehicle air conditioners.