IN4. 165 Lifetime Health & Fitness for Technicians

This is a non-transfer course designed to help prepare technical education students to enter the workforce with good health, fitness and first aid skills. Evaluates selected areas of the student's present health and fitness level. Provides information on each of the wellness dimensions as they relate to physical fitness, back care, chronic disease, stress management, nutrition, weight management, behavior change, and lifestyle choices. Considers work-life balance and self-responsibility. Shows the student how to enter the work site as a fit and healthy individual and suggests ways to maintain that level of health.




Career Technical Education (CTE) Course


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Define wellness and describe its dimensions. Design individual comprehensive programs for physical fitness, nutrition and stress management related to proposed occupation. Demonstrate how to change behavior using a common behavior modification mode. Evaluate or access key indicators of health and fitness such as blood pressure, body composition, blood lipids, blood glucose, cardio respiratory fitness, muscular strength endurance, and flexibility. Evaluate key worksite health considerations including back health, ergonomics, personal safety, effective of sleep deprivation and alcohol drug use. Demonstrate basic first aid and adult CPR abilities for the worksite.