Horticulture Certificate
Students who successfully complete a Certificate in Horticulture will be able to:
- Propagate, grow, and maintain plants in landscapes and horticultural production systems.
- Effectively adapt horticultural production systems to changing production, environmental, and social issues.
- Successfully compete in the job market for a position in the horticultural industry.
Required Courses
Select 12 credits from the following:
AG 111 | Computers in Agriculture | 3 |
AG 250 | Irrigation System Design | 3 |
AREC 213 | Starting Ag/Hort Business | 4 |
CSS 215 | Soil Nutrients and Plant Fertilization | 3 |
HORT 226 | Landscape Plant Materials I | 3 |
HORT 230 | Sustainable Ag & Food Systems | 3 |
HORT 247 | Arboriculture: Principles & Practices | 4 |
HORT 251 | Temperate Tree Fruit, Berries, Grapes, And Nuts | 3 |
HORT 255 | Herbaceous Ornamental Plants | 3 |
HORT 280 | Intro to Landscape Design | 3 |
HT8. 115 | Greenhouse Management | 3 |
HT8. 135 | Turf Management | 3 |
HT8. 139 | Arboriculture Practicum | 2 |
HT8. 140 | Landscape Maintenance | 3 |
SPN 104 | Spanish Agriculture/Horticulture I | 4 |
SPN 105 | Spanish Agriculture/Horticulture II | 4 |
Students who pass a computer proficiency test may substitute another elective for AG 111 Computers in Agriculture.
Other required courses (6 credits):
Math and Writing courses at appropriate level (based upon placement test scores)
Total Credit Hours: 44