2023-2024 Catalog
EG4. - Engineering Graphics
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Degrees and Certificates
AA - Applied Arts
AG8. - Agriculture
AG - Agriculture
AH - Allied Health
ANS - Animal Science
ANTH - Anthropology
APR - Apprenticeship
AREC - Agriculture Business Mgmt
ART - Art
AT - Animal Technology
AU3. - Automotive Technology
BA - Business
BI - Biology
CA8. - Culinary Arts Hosp Services
CA - Culinary Arts Transfer
CAT - Computed Tomography
CE6. - Civil Engineering Vocational
CEM - Civil Engineering
CH - Chemistry
CIS - Computer Information Systems
CJ - Criminal Justice
CMA - Medical Assistant
COMM - Communication
CRS - Coding Reimb Specialist
CS - Computer Science
CSS - Crop & Soil Science
CST - Construction Equipment
DA5. - Dental Assistant
DI - Diagnostic Imaging
EC - Economics
ED7. - Education
ED - Education
EG4. - Engineering Graphics
EG4 409
EG4 411
EG4 412
EG4 414
EG4 419
EG4 421
EG4 423
EG4 442
EG4 443
EG4 445
EG4 455
EG4 456
EG4 458
EG4 459
EG4 460
EG4 462
EG4 463
EG4 464
EG4 465
EG4 471
ENG - English
ENGR - Engineering
ESR - Environmental Studies
FW - Fisheries and Wildlife
GEOG - Geography
G - Geology
GS - General Science
HDFS - Human Dev Family Studies
HD - Human Development
HE - Health
HS - Human Services
HST - History
HUM - Humanities
HVE - Heavy Equipment Diesel
IN4. - Industrial Technology
JN - Journalism
MA3. - Machine Tool Technology
MP - Music Performance
MT3. - Mechatronics
MTH - Mathematics
MUS - Music
NDT - Nondestructive Testing Evaluation
NFM - Nutrition and Foods Management
NMC - New Media Communication
NUR - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
OTA - Occupational Therapy Assistant
PBM - Practical Business Management
PBT - Phlebotomy
PE - Physical Education
PFW - Pipe Fitting & Welding
PHL - Philosophy
PH - Physics
PSG - Polysomnographic Technology
PS - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
QS - Queer Studies
R - Religion
SOC - Sociology
SPN - Spanish
STAT - Statistics
ST - Surgical Technology
WD4. - Welding
WE1. - Work Experience
WE - Work Experience
WR - Writing
WS - Women's Studies
How to Get Started: Admissions
How to Get Started: Registration
Academic Information and Regulations
Tuition and Fees
Financial Aid and Veterans
Veterans Benefits Office
Student Affairs-Academic Support
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General Graduation Requirements
Other Learning Opportunities
LBCC’s Alcohol and Drug Free Program
Faculty and Administrative Staff
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EG4. 409
Drafting Fundamentals
EG4. 411
Orientation to CAD
EG4. 412
Introduction to Inventor
EG4. 414
Introduction to Fusion 360
EG4. 419
Fundamentals of Product Design and Development
EG4. 421
Introduction to AutoCAD
EG4. 423
Architectural Design 1
EG4. 442
Digital Design and Fabrication Fundamentals
EG4. 443
EG4. 445
Plane Surveying
EG4. 455
Structural Drafting
EG4. 456
Civil Drafting Lab
EG4. 458
Mechanical Design Drafting
EG4. 459
Kinematics Drafting
EG4. 460
Intermediate AutoCAD
EG4. 462
Advanced Inventor
EG4. 463
Architectural Design II
EG4. 464
Advanced Fusion 360
EG4. 465
Civil Drafting II
EG4. 471
Capstone Project
Up one level
EG4. - Engineering Graphics