APR 123 Electrical Test Equipment
This class is designed for apprentices working/studying to become Limited Energy Technicians. Topics for this term include: Electrical Test Equipment, Power Quality, and Proper Grounding and Cable Termination. Effective and safe use of various trade-related test equipment as well as the National Electrical Code (NEC) requirements for safe grounding and cable termination will be emphasized.
MTH 060 Introduction to Algebra
Offered Spring only
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Explain demonstrate the proper safe operation of various pieces of electrical test equipment. Identify various types of electrical connector. Terminate cabling using appropriate electrical connectors. Explain the purpose of grounding. Determine the NEC requirements for electrical systems and telecommunications equipment grounding. Define clean, pure power relating to AC power quality. Describe the types of abnormalities and their sources that can cause poor AC power quality.