DI 121 Exposure II
Content establishes a basic knowledge of the nature and characteristics of radiation, x-ray production. Imparts an understanding of the components, principles and operation of digital imaging systems found in diagnostic radiology. Factors that impact image acquisition, display, archiving and retrieval are discussed. Principles of digital system quality assurance and maintenance are presented. Establishes a knowledge base in radiographic, fluoroscopic and mobile equipment requirements and design. Establishes a knowledge base in factors that govern the image production process. The content also provides a basic knowledge of quality control. Critical thinking is incorporated into multiple content areas. The second course in a series of three.
Offered Fall only
Career Technical Education (CTE) Course
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Operate equipment, store, handle or process any imaging information to industry standards. Protect patient, self, and others by applying the principles of radiation physics. Abide by the ethics and professional conduct of medical professionals, the ASRT Code of Ethics, and the ARRT Standard Ethics. Discuss practical considerations in setting standards for acceptable image quality. Analyze the relationship of factors that control and affect image exposure. Analyze the relationship of factors that control and affect radiographic contrast. Analyze the relationship of factors that control and affect recorded details. Perform calculations to determine image magnification and percent magnification. Explain how beam filtration affects x ray bean intensity, beam quality and resultant patient exposure. Compare grid types. Evaluate grid artifacts. Summarize the factors that influence grid cutoff. Explain exposure factor considerations involved in selecting techniques. Compare fixed kilovoltage peak kVp and variable kVp systems. Apply the reciprocity law to clinical situation. Apply conversion factors for changes in the following areas, Distance, grid, image, receptors, reciprocity law and 15 percent rule. Evaluate the spatial resolution and dose detectors. Relate the receptor exposure indicator values to technical factors, system calibration, part, beam, plate alignment and patient exposure. Describe the response of PSP systems to background and scatter radiation. Examine the potential impact of digitals radiographic systems on patients exposure and methods of practicing the as low as reasonably achievable ALARA concept with digital systems. Identify common limitation and technical problems encountered when using PSP systems. Compare the advantages and limits of each receptor type. Associate impact of images processing parameters to the image appearance. Identify the general components and functions of the tube and filament circuits. Compare generators in terms of radiation produced and efficiency. Demonstrate operation at various types of permanently installed and mobile radiographic equipment. Differentiate between quality improvement management, quality assurance and quality control. Discuss the proper test equipment procedures for evaluating the operation of an x ray generator. Discuss the basic principles of operation of various imaging modalities and radiation therapy.