DI 140 Radiation Protection
Content presents an overview of the principles of radiation protection, including the responsibilities of the radiographer for patients, personnel and the public. Radiation health and safety requirements of federal and state regulatory agencies, accreditation agencies and health care organizations are incorporated. Critical thinking is incorporated into multiple content areas.
Offered Summer only
Career Technical Education (CTE) Course
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Abide by the ethics and professional conduct of medical professional, the ASRT Code of Ethics, and the ARRT Standards of ethics. Protect patient, self and others by applying the principles of radiation physic. Identify and justify the need to minimize unnecessary radiation exposure of humans. Explain the objectives of a radiation protection program. Define radiation and radioactivity units of measurement. Describe the ALARA concept. Identify the basic for occupational exposure limits. Distinguish between perceived risk and comparable risk. Describe the concept of the negligible individual dose NID. Identify ionizing radiation sources from natural and manmade sources. Describe the theory and operation of radiation detection devices. Identify appropriate applications and limitations for each radiation detection device. Describe the function of federal, state and local regulations governing radiation protection practices. Express the need and importance of personnel monitoring for radiation workers. Describe personnel monitoring devices, including applications for device. Interpret personnel monitoring reports. Compare values for individuals effective close limits for occupational radiation exposures annual and lifetime. Identify anatomical structures that are considered critical for potential late effects of whole body irradiation exposure. Identify effective dose limits for the embryo and fetus in occupationally exposed women. Demonstrate how time, distance and shielding can be manipulated to keep radiation exposures to a minimum. Explain the relationship of beam limiting devices to patient radiation protection. Explain the purpose and importance of patient shielding. Identify various types of patient shielding and state the advantages and disadvantages of each type.