ANTH 232 Peoples of the World - North America

Survey of peoples around the world. Early settlement, cultural history, ecological adaptations, population, family and gender roles, religious ideology, political and economic systems, modern social changes, and contemporary issues pertaining to indigenous peoples in culturally distinct regions of the world. Emphasis is placed on dispelling stereotypic images, both past and present.




Lower Division Transfer (LDT) Course

General Education Requirements

AAS Human Relations, AAOT Cultural Literacy, AAOT Social Sciences, AGS Social Science, AS Cultural Diversity, AS Liberal Arts Core 3


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Explore and analyze the scientific theories of origins, including western and non-western perspectives. Define and critically consider the primary continental migration theories, and demonstrate knowledge on the interconnectedness of cultural development and change and environmental adaptation. Synthesize knowledge of Native American culture in regard to scientific theories. Describe similarities and differences between cultures and apply the anthropological approach of cultural relativism.