ENGR 102 Design Thinking and Problem Solving

This class covers the design process, you will work with a team to create designs to solve engineering problems. You will work with your team to assess the appropriate stakeholder needs and identify and define the design problem, brainstorm and choose a design concept, create a schedule of key benchmarks in the design process, use analytical tools to iteratively solve the problem, and present your findings.




Prerequisite: MTH 111Z Precaclulus I: Functions with a grade of C or better


Lower Division Transfer (LDT) Course


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Function effectively on an engineering team. Describe and implement the design process, including identifying the design problem, employing effective strategies to determine a design approach, creating a plan and schedule to reach the project goals, and iterating through the design approach to solve the problem. Use engineering tools to analyze an engineering design. Present the design to stakeholders using appropriate media.