WR 115 Intro to College Writing

Introduces college level critical inquiry in academic and professional reading and writing. WR 115 students critically read, summarize, and respond in paragraph format. Students develop expository essay writing skills, review conventions, and use individual and collaborative processes. Note: This course does not satisfy institutional writing requirements for the degree seeking or transfer student.




Lower Division Transfer (LDT) Course


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Write thoughtful, clear, and focused paragraphs and essays for a variety of purposes. Illustrate critical reading by clearly summarizing, paraphrasing, and directly quoting. Distinguish your ideas from others' ideas in your writing. Focus a main point and develop this main point clearly and logically using examples and illustrations in a well-organized essay. Revise writing using standard college editing and proofreading conventions (grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation).