Visual Arts
The Art curriculum is designed to enrich student learning in visual art and develop skills for expressing ideas through art. Historical and cultural perspectives regarding visual expression are explored in all art courses. Lecture courses in Art History and Understanding Art embrace the realm of human experience presented through art. The Art department provides the opportunity for students to develop and refine their skills by offering studio classes in drawing, painting, ceramics, digital photography, compositional design, and three-dimensional design. Classes are open to all students. Some second-year classes have prerequisites. Studio classes may be repeated for credit if more experience is desired.
The department offers an Art emphasis, Associate of Science degree designed for students transferring to Oregon State University (OSU). Students transferring to the College of Liberal Arts at OSU can earn degrees in Art History, Studio Art, Photography, Graphic Design, and New Media Communication. Students transferring to OSU can also earn a degree in Interior Design, which is part of the College of Business at OSU and thus subject to different requirements – please see an advisor for guidance on preparing for these degrees. Students who wish to transfer seamlessly into any Art major at OSU should talk to their advisor as soon as possible about taking classes at both LBCC and OSU through the Degree Partnership Program (DPP).
Students interested in a general transfer degree should follow the guidelines for the AAOT and work with an advisor from the college/university they plan to transfer to to be sure the appropriate courses are being taken at LBCC.
Ceramics courses are offered at the Benton Center where students may take two terms of ceramic studio courses - ART 154 and ART 254. For students interested in further study of ceramics, CWE and Special Projects courses are recommended. There are galleries for the exhibit of both student and professional artwork.
Program Requirements
The program is designed to be completed in two years. This assumes that entering students have tested at or above the following levels on the Computerized Placement Test: WR 121Z Composition I and MTH 105Z Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics or MTH 111Z Precalculus I: Functions.