

The Psychology emphasis, Associate of Science degree program is designed for students interested in completing a bachelor’s degree at Oregon State University (OSU) in Psychology. Students interested in this option are strongly encouraged to enroll in the Degree Partnership Program (DPP) as there may be lower division courses required by their chosen discipline that are only offered at Oregon State University. Students interested in a general transfer degree should follow the guidelines for the AAOT and work with an advisor from the college/university they plan to transfer to to be sure the appropriate courses are being taken at LBCC.

Psychology is the scientific discipline devoted to understanding the human mind -- how it functions, what determines emotions and behavior, and how individuals learn, get motivated, and function in groups. Many psychologists work with individuals in therapeutic settings, but there are other branches of psychology that apply the tools and knowledge of the field to business and industrial settings. These psychologists help businesses best select and train employees, help employees overcome mental health problems, and plan work spaces and work processes. Depending on whether or not a student pursues post-graduate education, career opportunities for students majoring in Psychology currently include jobs in areas such as social services, school and private counseling, clinical work, basic and applied research, private corporations, etc.