HE 253 Aids and Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Provides a fundamental understanding of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted disease from a national and global perspective. The history, etiology, epidemiology and prevention strategies will be examined. The course will assist students in developing an understanding of diverse cultures, customs, attitudes, values and beliefs in the context of disease transmission and eradication.




Offered Winter & Spring only


Lower Division Transfer (LDT) Course


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Students will be able to explain how the EMS systems works and the citizen responders role in the EMS system. Students will be able to recognize and identify signs and symptoms and care for breathing emergencies, heart attack, cardiac arrest, sudden illness, life threating bleeding, shock and heat and cold emergencies. Students will demonstrate how to care for soft tissue and musculoskeletal injuries. Students will demonstrate how and when to move an injured victim in an emergency situation.